Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

Best Sex You've Ever Had

Judging from my long time experience as a tantric sex coach, it seems to me that most people at some point in their lives have a sexual experience that could be called transcendental or mystical, or simply "out of this world" wonderful. This special sexual experience could have taken place with a partner or on their own. It doesn't matter how it came about, what matters is that many, many people naturally have this kind of amazing sexual encounter, often quite inadvertently. That's because our bodies, psyches and spirits are wired to have this kind of experience. It's in our original blue print to be ecstatic. When we are able to totally relax, let go, trust and open up, magical, divine love-making happens all by itself.

So, if it's so natural, why don't more people enjoy mind-blowing sex as a regular, everyday thing? That's because our upbringing has trained us out of our intuitive knowing. Still, having once, or sporadically, had this experience, it is only understandable that people spend their lives trying to recapture that special moment, often failing to do so. Some manage it occasionally, but few have it consistently. Others go down the wrong track all together into all kinds of sexual distractions, even sex addiction. But what people really seek deep down is sex that helps them merge with the divine, sex that tunes them into the love that is the very fabric of who we are, sex that helps them melt and become one with God, Goddess, The Source, "That which is eternal".

The reason "Tantra" has become so popular lately is because tantric sex describes quite well this sacred sex that people are missing. And so people try out whatever suggestions they find under the term Tantra. But what a lot of people don't understand is that no amount of techniques or special breathing rhythms or chants or body positions, or incense or gadgets will get you to this longed for state of blissful pleasure and merging.

What you need to get there is much simpler then that. To have fantastic life-altering sex you need emotional and physical openness, that's it.

It's simple but that doesn't mean it's necessarily easy.

That's why, paradoxically, these mystical sexual experiences are often experienced by couples who are fairly new to each other. Check your own experience and see if I'm right.

This is so because couples who are new to each other are typically a lot less weighed down with cautiousness. There is an innocence, a freshness, a hopefulness and a lack of negative expectation. There is an absence of the protection that usually builds between a couple as their intimate relating touches old emotional wounds and as lack of sexual knowledge and communication skills creates repeated disappointments.

Does that mean that you should go from honeymoon to honeymoon, from partner to partner in search of this magical sex. Oh no! The truly best sex, the lasting kind, the really amazing deeply transformational sex is always found in committed relationships where the partners keep growing in closeness together.

So what can a couple do to consistently have the best sex they've ever had? And not just on their honeymoon or once in a great while?
They can commit to emotional, physical and energetic opening. But how?

In my home audio workshop and e-book "Sex for the Soul" I go into great detail as to what a couple can do, but here I'll just give you a short list of tips:
1. Have eye contact when you make love much of the time. See and allow yourself to be seen, be emotionally naked.

2. Talk about your sex life. Be willing to increase your communication about specific sexual physical details by 100%; what works for you, what doesn't, and what you wish your partner and you would try. Keep blame out of it. Rather then focusing on what doesn't work let each other know what would work. Make yourself vulnerable and be honest.

3. Relax your body when you make love. Slow things down enough so that you can feel your genitals very sensitively. Start slow, and slow down in between more heated moments. Your body will teach you how to have sacred sex if you slow down enough to listen to it.

4. Be willing to experiment with new ways of playing in the bedroom, physically and emotionally.

5. Don't settle for sexual gratification, which means, don't just go for orgasm at all cost, neither his nor hers. Seek to make love, to create a space of lovingness, each time you connect sexually.

6. Make love often; bring your bodies together regularly. Let your lovemaking become a meditation of surrender, connection, vulnerability and deep relaxation. See it as a spiritual practice. Let your relationship be a journey of learning and growing in love together.

And here an excerpt from my upcoming audio program "Sex for the Soul"

.......One of the messages of this program is: Don't just have sex, make love! Most people, when they hear the words "making love" immediately assume it means having a sexual exchange, am I right? Have you ever really considered why that is? It is because, since time immemorial, sex is one of the best ways that humans have to create more love: in their relationship, in their lives, and on the planet. Unfortunately, the way things are nowadays, having sex doesn't mean making love. Consciously engaging in the act of creating more love through the sexual act is not what most people think about when they are having sex. The way sex is promoted these days in popular culture presents sex as a means for physical pleasure, excitement, fun, or even social status. Although there is no problem with any of these, the media is inadvertently promoting loveless sex. "Tips for better sex", "How to have more sizzling orgasms", "Make sex last longer", "5 new techniques to Dazzle Your Partner in Bed"-- these are the headlines we see every day on magazine covers. The word "love" does not appear in any of these headlines and that's why it's easy to forget to look for love.

Another message of this program is equally important: Don't just live together, make love! So many long- term couples have given up and resigned themselves to a life of companionship, and maybe occasional sex, but there are many easy and some not so easy things a couple can do to bring the spark back to their partnership.

And to come back to the value of tantric techniques, special breathing rhythms, mantras, chants, sexual positions, energy exercises, incense, sacred symbols, etc. Once you have emotional openness all the above can be a lot of fun and add to your experience in lovely ways. Often the biggest value is not the technique itself but the fact that in endeavoring to bring these things into their life, couples start talking about their sex-life and begin to explore. But just remember, you don't really need any techniques to have the best sex you ever had. You just need to trust yourself and your body ever more deeply.

If you want to start today, try one of my tips for Sacred Sex above.My audio workshop will give you many more explicit and detailed instructions to work with, but for now go to my list of tips and start exploring the vast depths of sexual mystery and magic that is yours by birthright.

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

Sex Ed in the Sixties

The following is from the beginning of a short story by the same title. Read “Author Bio” to learn more.


I was recently doing a search in Google to find a website that would confirm my suspicions about a Tele-huckster—a pet peeve of mine to which I am hopelessly addicted. One thing led to another and, yada yada yada, before I knew it, my flat screen monitor began flashing a string of sexually explicit pictures in brilliant pulsating color. It was an X-rated pop-up extravaganza; one I was unable to keep up with. I clicked frantically trying to close one close-up invasion after another. The bombardment continued on until it ran its course, eventually reaching some kind of worldwide web adult abyss that even the internet could not crawl below.

As I cleaned up the dirty debris I so innocently spilled—well maybe not that innocently—I was struck by my good fortune. Thankfully, the internet came along decades after my early teen years. Had this stuff been around in the Sixties, I might still be squirreled away in my attic room to this day, trimming the hair on my palms while mumbling incoherently to my seeing-eye dog.

On the other hand, learning the whereabouts, general appearance and overall purpose of female parts would have been a heck of a lot easier, not to mention more timely. Instead, my sex education was really the collective result of a hit or miss operation. At the time it was torture, but I don’t know, there was something funny about it too. And it all started at my local summer recreation center, Carteret Park ...


“What did Roy Rogers say to Dale Evans in the bedroom when the lights went out?” Mud Finnegan asked a rapt group of adolescent boys sitting around a long wooden table at our local summer hangout, Carteret Park. He was about twelve years old, a year older than I and several years older than most of the kids sitting on the benches—that was age-wise but he seemed a generation older than all us in every other way.

Mud looked around, working the table like a seasoned Catskill comedian. No one dared answered his question because it really wasn’t a question at all. It was an obvious lead-in to the punch line of another classic dirty joke; besides, no one had a clue as to the possible answer—no one that is except Moon Muller.

“I know!” Moon yelped in a lame attempt to impress the guys, as if he was really in the know.

“Shut up! You don’t know crap!” Fitzy snapped back, warning that one of his patented headlocks might be coming Moon’s way if he didn’t keep his big trap shut.

“Do too!” Moon fired back in a surprising show of bravado.

“Are you two f’in jerk-offs through?” Mud, as only Mud could do, used the “F” word with a certain artistic flair. He painted masterpieces with four letter words no differently than Monet did with colors from a pallet. Having regained the attention of his fickle audience, he continued to close the deal.

“Do you f'in dick heads wanna hear the f’in joke or doncha?” His eyes got wide and kind of crazy looking, one eyebrow climbing higher than the other. Of course, we wanted to hear. Everyone settled down. He waited a moment, knowing timing was everything; then, delivered the goods.

“I’ll turn on my flashlight if you turn on your headlights.”

A flash of universal vacant thought swept across the sea of open jawed faces, like the eerie stillness before a tornado strikes, as our feeble brains scrambled to “get it”. Then, as if prompted by an audience monitor, an explosion of rip-roaring, doubled-over laughter swept around the table. Ah … Mud sure could bring it home. Making it all the more incredulous was that most of us struggled to understand the punch-line. But we knew enough to laugh because that always bought us time to figure it out.

Mud proudly acknowledged his success with a wide grin, while he waited for us to wipe the tears from our eyes, boogers from our noses and drool from our chins. He was on top of his game. Being the veteran performer he was, he launched into an encore with another doozey about some lost traveler asking some guy who is with a woman how far is “The Old Log Inn”; you can guess the answer. Another eruption of roaring, clueless laughter followed. Another tidbit of carnal information revealed.

That was my introductory class to sex education in the Sixties.
We weren’t taught concepts like “private parts”, and never heard of or cared much for formal words like “penis” or “breast” or “vagina”. Our language was narrow and practical; “logs” or “rods” and “headlights” or “cams” were all we knew or needed know to communicate with each other. Regarding “vagina”, only a few guys with older sisters had even the slightest notion of what that might be; most of us were under the delusion that girls had simply broken their logs off at birth; possibly by accident or through carelessness.

So all we had were Mud’s dirty jokes, and embellished stories of older sisters spied on or caught in some state of undress. It was all a forewarning of things to come. I mean we understood the direct symbolism of certain words to body parts and innately found the sophomoric humor in using such imagery in the context of a joke. But underneath it all we started to sense that there was more to this than met the eye, something sinister.

As we’d soon come to discover, there sure was!

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

How To Be Your Child's Sex Educator

The debate in many towns continues throughout this country about who should hold the responsibility of educating young people about sex and sexuality. On one side of the spectrum there are those who believe that parents and only parents should be teaching such sensitive and value-fill information to kids. On the other side, there are those who say that not enough education is being done in the home and that the schools need to step up and do the right thing by kids.

To further the debate and increase its complexity is the question about what exactly kids need to know and when. President Bush has issued his own view on the matter by granting government funding for those schools and programs that provide “abstinent only” education, meaning that there is no discussion about anything but abstaining from sex until marriage. Many people believe, and most research proves, that this message severely short changes children and could potentially set them up for making bad and or even life threatening decisions.

Many parents that I talk to believe in comprehensive education (talking about all aspects of sex and sexuality including abstinence), and are always comforted to hear that research is firm in showing that kids want to hear it from their parents and often make better choices when they have had those parental conversations.

But…..parents as sex educators…. This prospect for some is almost as frightening as the concept of kids having sex. Take it from me; it doesn’t have to be frightening. There is so much information available that anyone, even parents, can do a great job. There are just a few things to keep in mind in order to be successful.

A. Be honest and open. The rule is that if a kid asks a question, he got the idea from somewhere and needs to have an age appropriate response. Ignoring the question or telling a child that he/she shouldn’t be asking about such things sends the message that certain questions are off limits and they will take those questions elsewhere, school friends for example, who don’t always have the correct answers or have the family values that you would want articulated in mind. Keep in mind the "age appropriate" part of this tip. As parents we don't want our kids to know to much to soon, but developmentally, they may be more advanced and ready to hear more than you think. If you aren't sure, look it up.

B. It is ok to share your values and morals and what you expect for your family. I think that often parents feel like they can’t express their own expectations for their children when they educate about sexuality. You can talk about methods of pregnancy and disease prevention at the same time that you are talking about abstinence and relationship building. One is not exclusive of the other.

C. It is also ok to set limits and boundaries where you need. Talking about a penis in the middle of the grocery store is not appropriate. Those types of situations can easily be handled by telling a child that his or her question is valid and important, but would be much better dealt with at home. The thing to remember here is that you must go back to your child with the question when you said you would. Thinking that your child will just forget and you’ll be off the hook does nothing for your credibility. And trust me, your kids will not forget, they will just remind you that you forgot when it suits their needs.

D. Often times a parent will get a question about a topic or a situation that they are not comfortable with or have very little information about. It is critical for parents to know and believe that they do not have to be experts in sex education. They must be able to, however, know their limits and know where to get the resources they need to refer their children for the right answers. It is also ok to admit to your child that you aren’t the best person to talk about this topic, but that you know the person who is.

E. As difficult as it may be, it is also important to completely understand what your child is asking and why he/she is asking the question. I heard a story once that a little girl asked her Dad what secs was. Hearing this, Dad automatically assumed that she was asking about sex and went into his whole birds and bees lecture. When he was finished he asked his daughter why she had asked the question. The young daughter stated that mom said that dinner would be done in a couple of secs. She just wanted to know what that meant. Clarifying the question is vital to making sure that you are answering their questions thoroughly and completely.

F. Bone up on your own education. It is not enough that your children know about the latest method of birth control, you should also know. Know what it is that kids are talking about and thinking about when it comes to sexuality. Go to teen websites, read teen magazines, have conversations with your kids. The more information you have the better you can educate your kids.

G. Take advantage of teachable moments. Kids won’t always want to talk to their parents. Especially if you haven’t set up your home environment this way. So you may have to bring up a subject out of the blue. Use situations that you see on television shows or articles that you have read to get kids opinions. Ask them what they think. Share with them what you think and why. For example, you are watching the latest episode of The Bachelor. Ask you child how they feel about having intimate relationships with so many people in such a short time. Discuss the messages that you think the show sends, find out what messages your child is receiving. How do they feel about group dates? Anything to open up those lines of communication.

So, what do you do when the big day comes and your child asks you a tough question? You can start by using the C.A.L.M. method of answering.

C- Clarify the question. Ask the child why the question is being asked. Where did the topic come up? What does the child know about the topic or what does he/she think the answers are. This will definitely make sure that you are staying on the right track.

A- Answer the question basically. I like to think about building blocks when answering tough questions. You start with the most basic answer and then build on that answering from the next level and so on. Try to avoid the tendency to lecture. Kids, especially young ones, rarely listen to a long explanation; they only are listening for they think they want to hear. This could become problematic in that kids will not hear the correct answer or they will interpret incorrectly what you have said.

L- Listen to your child response. By answering basically you allow your child to let you know if he/she got the complete answer they were looking for. If they ask you another question, you know you need to go to the next building block. Don’t forget to watch for body language too. Some children may not have the words to ask more questions. But you know your child and you will know when his body language shows that he isn’t clear or in completion with your answer.

M- Motivate your child to continue to feel comfortable to ask more questions. Letting kids know that you are a safe person to come back to and that you will continue to answer their questions will keep them doing so.

We all want to do what is best for our kids, and for most of us, their safety is priority one. Use these tips to approach sexuality education in your own home with confidence!

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

3 Sex Tips to BLOW Your Man's Mind (They Don't Teach This Stuff in Sex Education)

There are several sex moves that put certain women in a class by themselves. These women are craved by men and when they find them they do not let them go. Learn some of the most amazing sexual moves that any woman can do with a man to drive him absolutely wild.

The insider secrets that will drive your man insane with pleasure (3 tips to ecstasy)

There are many women who truly know the secrets of the male body and they are worshiped by the men that they are with. These moves are done by few women out of either being too afraid to try them or just not knowing about them. Get these moves down and your sexual stock will go through the roof.

Tip #1 - You take control fast and unexpectedly. You jump your man and just ravage his body. Do not let him touch you at all. Push his hands off of you and his arms back. Restrain him if need be. You want to completely dominate him and just blow his mind with your sexual aggressiveness. Get on top, don't let him lead at all. He will be turned on beyond belief and be a thousand times more aroused than he is during normal sex.

Tip #2 - Explore his other erogenous zones. Below the scrotum is a man's prostate gland. If you lightly massage this area during oral sex or foreplay you can drive your man to faster and more powerful orgasms. Women who do this are obsessed over and cherished.

Tip #3 - Try keeping your clothes on and never take them off. This is a mental game that will drive most men insane with curiosity and have then totally mind controlled. You never have intercourse with this. You simple make him orgasm with other methods and you never undress. He will be absolutely stunned and turned on.

Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

Sex Education

Sex education is the act of informing the younger generation about everything they need to know in sex. It is widely agreed that sex education should be given to the youngsters for that is the age where they need to know all about the ill effects o f unhealthy sex and gain confidence and clarity on healthy sex.

The benefit

Sex education is necessary for people to make crucial decisions in their lives. All the negative effects of sex can be avoided with a sound knowledge of sex. Unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases can be completely averted. This in return would allow youngsters to concentrate on other important things in life like career, education, ambition and other goals. Developing confidence and decision making skills.

Not all sex teachers or advisers tell you the right information. When one tells you the bad effects of sex on one side, the other recommends you to have sex for a healthy living. Therefore decision making is a tough thing. Once given the right information it is up to the youngster to make his own decisions.

Lessons to be taught

Young people gather knowledge about sex through friends, media, magazines and other sources. Some of these are inaccurate. In sex education it is important that you learn all about male and female body parts. Some of your inaccurate information are corrected here. Get to know all the good and bad effects of sex, when to have sex, what are the precautions to be taken before and after sex and the ways of having effective sex. To begin with sex education can tell people about the changes that come over a female during and after her periods, problems women face in their daily lives, pregnancy and its causes.

Sex education is considered to be a sin in some parts of the world. On the contrary it is a boon to the youth. It helps them not only in gaining knowledge but also protects them from the evils of bad sex.

Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009

Sex Education - A Necessary Tool For the Youth

Modern education is seen as a backbone to development and growth on all fronts of the human society. On this background, most countries of the world dedicate huge sums of money and lots of resources into ensuring that their education systems are strengthened to be able to harness all the God-given resources in man. No wonder every country that pays attention to proper education of its citizens has made and continues to make giant strides in development.

Sex education, also known as sexuality education or relationships education should therefore be viewed in the same direction as it is a means or process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, sex identity, relationships and intimacy. Based on this basic definition, I would say that, like all other forms of education, it is intended to help the individual to discover who he/she really is in terms of sexuality and be able to appreciate it with all pride.

Education as we all know, has a target group and sex education is no exception. Its primary target is the youth in society and should be intended to help them to develop positive attitudes and behaviors about sex. I believe it should include information about all aspects of the human sexual anatomy such as the sex organs and their functions, the physical changes that take place in the individual as a result of growth, the emotional changes and their effects on the individual's relation to members of the opposite sex. Also it should touch on very sensitive topics as well and not just brush them over since it has the tendency of making the individual to suspect something fishy about those information that were left out in the course of the education process and this might have serious consequences on the individual later in life.

Furthermore, it should touch on topics such as family planning, reproduction, sexual orientation, sexual pleasure, values, decision making, dating, relationships and information on sexually transmitted diseases and their modes of contraction.

Among the agents of sex education are parents; who in my view occupy a central role here; since parents have gone through most of the processes that count very much in sex education, I feel they will be the right people to tell the youth exactly what is entailed in it and be able to tell the best ways of doing things, example how to have sexual intercourse and address issues such as orgasm and all other sensitive matters; their experiences bringing to bare. Also other agents include teachers, religious leaders, friends and the electronic and print media; sex education websites, sex columnists and advisers and many more.

One may ask questions such as "what is the appropriate time to begin sex education, isn't it too early to be exposing issues concerning sex to young people, am I not encouraging him/her to begin practicing what I am teaching him and a whole host of other questions". It might interest you to know that if young people rather are not given answers by adults to most of the things they experience in the course of their development, they tend to fish out for answers themselves and who knows the consequences may be more destructive.

Moreover, according to a review of forty-eight studies of comprehensive sex and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)/HIV education program in US schools, there was a strong evidence that such programs did not increase sexual activities but rather reduced them or increased rates of the use of condom or other contraceptives or even both. I am therefore of the view that parents and guardians should take the bull by the horn and take their wards through comprehensive sex education. This will give them the opportunity of passing the right information to them before their minds are polluted from other sources.

In addition, I still think it should be done at an early age since the individual at this stage is now developing his/her patterns of behavior and can easily get along with it. That is to say, a strong foundation is easily built at this stage which gives the individual the opportunity to build on with more complex knowledge with the advancement of time. I must however, emphasize that it is very necessary for the educator to first find out the amount and validity of information that the individual may have in his/her possession in other to be able to make any corrections of fake facts and also add more informed information to what the person already possess.

As seen in all forms of education, there are numerous advantages associated with sex education and among them include: it minimizes the risks and dangers of potentially negative outcomes from sexual behaviors like unwanted pregnancies and being infected with STI's, enhances quality of relationships between members of the opposite sex, helps young people to make right choices of life partners and equips the individual to make informed decisions about his/her personal sexual activity.

It is clearly evident that sexual education really has an important role to play in the development of young people into people who can fit into society both morally and socially and also be able to appreciate their God-given sexuality and express it with all pride and happiness.

Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

A Woman's Healthy Reproductive System - Sex Education

Your reproductive system is extremely sensitive and without a healthy reproductive system, it can be very difficult to get pregnant. Many women suffer from infertility. Seeing a physician and having regular pap smears and breast exams are important steps in keeping your reproductive system healthy.

The slightest hormonal imbalance can disrupt the reproductive system which is why it is so important to take care of it. Some factors that can seriously impair your reproductive health include: endometriosis, PCOS , pelvic prolapse, pelvic inflammatory disease, and cervical cancer.

The organs of the reproductive system are:

Uterus- Also called the womb, the uterus is a hollow, pear shaped organ with a muscular wall and a lining. The uterus expands many times in size during pregnancy to hold the growing fetus.

Fallopian Tubes- These thin, soft tubes extend from the uterus to the ovaries. During ovulation, an ovary releases an egg into the fallopian tube next to it.

Ovaries-- The ovaries are located in the left and right lower abdomen. Ovaries produce eggs as well as hormones like estrogen and progesterone.

Cervix-- The cervix is the lower portion of the uterus that opens into the vagina. During labor, the cervix dilates (expands) to about 4 inches (10 centimeters) in diameter.

Vagina-- This tube-like organ connects the uterus to the outside of the body. The birth of a baby follows it's path.

Hymen-- The hymen (also called maidenhead) is a fold of mucous membrane which surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening. It forms part of the vulva, or external genitalia.

Menstruation, or "period," is the term given to a woman's periodic discharge of blood, tissue, fluid and mucus from the reproductive organs of sexually mature females. The flow usually lasts from 3 - 6 days each month and is caused by a sudden reduction in the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

When girls begin to go through puberty (usually starting between the ages of 8 and 13), their bodies and minds change in many ways. The hormones bodies stimulate new physical development, such as growth and breast development. Roughly 2 years after a girl's breasts begin to develop, she usually gets her first menstrual period.

A woman is fertile only for a few days during each menstrual cycle and once ovulation has occurred, there is only a 24 hour period in which fertilization can take place. The reproductive process begins with the ovary releasing an egg and setting it off on it's journey down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. In the fallopian tube, it begins to produce an enzyme that helps attract the sperm from the males ejaculation.

A man releases millions of sperm when he ejaculates but only a few hundred will be able to make it all the way from the cervix up into the uterus and then into the correct fallopian tube. Once there, only one sperm will then be able to make its way through the eggs tough coating to fertilize the egg.

After fertilization, the egg continues into the uterus where it implants itself into the endometrial lining and officially becomes an embryo.

A missed menstrual period is most often the first sign of pregnancy, but typically, additional symptoms and signs are experienced in the early stages of pregnancy. These include:

-Breast swelling, tenderness, and pain
-Nausea and vomiting
-Fatigue and tiredness
-Abdominal boating
-Frequent urination
-Elevated basal body temperature
-Changes in nipple color
-Melasma (darkening of the skin)
-Mood swings and stress

Sometimes a woman who is pregnant may still experience some bleeding or spotting around the time of the expected period. This small amount of bleeding commonly that occurs at the time of the expected menstrual period may be implantation bleeding. This occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. It's important to remember that not all women will experience all of these symptoms or have the symptoms to the same degree.

An at home pregnancy can tell whether or not there is a pregnancy as early as the first day of the missed period, which is about two weeks after conception. You should schedule a doctors appointment and get a check up and pregnancy test as soon as possible if you think you might be pregnant.

Pregnancy tests are based upon measurement of the hormone which is only present in a woman when she is pregnant, human chorionic gonadotrophin, or hCG. This hormone is made after the egg is fertilized and its levels rise rapidly in early pregnancy. It acts to support progesterone, a hormone necessary to maintain the pregnancy.

Unfortunately, things don't always work as mother nature intended. Infertility effects many women for many different reasons. If you have any signs that things might not feel right or if you are having any issues with your menstrual periods, contact physician and have an exam.

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