Rabu, 23 September 2009

Sex Education is Not a Sin

We can go to the dentist if we have an abysses tooth. We can go to the doctor if we have anything wrong with us. We can go to the gym and have a personal trainer work us out. Where can you go when your sex life is not working, to a sacred sex worker? I don't think so! Not for most of you anyway.

Educational books and DVD's are a good place to begin.

How about a board-certified sex therapist. They have their degree and training. They can explain about exercises to practice very much like reading a book, good information but it leaves something missing. And they are definitely a place to begin.

What about going to an educated spiritual sexuality practitioner or working with a sexual surrogate in conjunction with a sex therapist? It makes sense to you. Your marriage is on the rocks because your sex life no longer exists. You need help . You need to improve or learn new sexual skills. Your spouse is refusing to be intimate, sensual, sexual and is actually breaking their marriage vows but it is not seen in this manner. The partner that desires to have a love life is considered over sexed.

The sexless partner proclaims infidelity and grounds for divorce. That means by seeking professional help you are cheating on your marriage. It does not matter that the sexless partner is starving the other. Or that they no longer have a sex drive so their beloved should no longer desire to be sexual either.

Taking care of your sexual dysfunction is a very important problem to solve: For men premature ejaculation, retarded ejaculation, loss of sex drive, loss of an erection mid love making.

As a women are you non-orgasmic, never had an orgasm and don't know what the big deal is about? Or are you a women who loves sex and is desperately needing to be adorned and sexually appreciated and your partner is consumed in the garage with a dying libido.

Sexual abuse in a woman's history will reveal itself in a loss of sexual desire once the kids are born. Your wife won't talk about it, it was long ago. "I just don't enjoy sex any more" she says. So what are you to do as a man?

Let's say there is no problem but you know there is something missing. You know if you could just go back to school, in a manner of speaking, sex 101 for the mature audience.

* For instance, there are 5 different types of orgasms and 5 levels of orgasm men and women can experience.

*Men and Women can learn to breathe their body into a full orgasm, without genital focus lasting 5 -20-60 minutes.

*Men, you can learn to manage your sexual energy and control your ejaculative response experiencing multiple orgasms without ejaculating.

* Men, you could also learn how to bring your female partner to a full g-spot ejaculation, if you knew where her g-spot was.

* Women, you can learn how to bring your man to a full body orgastic state that leaves him shaking in ecstasy for 30 minutes after his ejaculation.

*Women, you can learn to play and have fun with oral sex, an intimate way of saying I love You.

Or you both can settle for the way it has been for the past so many years. Doing what you thought was normal, a few minutes of foreplay followed by 10 minutes of intercourse, ending with a 5 to 9 second ejaculation for the man and no orgasm for the woman. Gee, that sounds like fun, and definitely easier then rocking the proverbially boat.

Gosh forbid, men, if you lovingly challenge your wife. You may not get the little bit of sex you're getting now. After all you talked about it before to no avail. Why keep bringing it up? It just upsets her. Your needs are not as important as her lack of interest anyway. It is easier to be silent then truthful. The big question is when are you going to really do something about this broken situation?

Women, let's get honest about what is not working for us. Like almost everything, not enough intimacy, touching, talking, kissing or flowers. Definitely he is not a skilled lover, not the way he use to be. He cannot last more the 10 minutes and you are not even warmed up or he lasts too long and you just want him to get it over with. How could you teach each other what you need? No one taught you! Is it ok to ask for what you need and desire?

Would you like a willing partner who enjoys bringing you pleasure the way you need it not necessity the way you have been doing it. Remember It use to be good but all things need to evolve. Now it is just boring. The spice of life is missing. Women, how do you have an orgasm? Do you know how to ejaculate? Do you know where your G-spot/area is? No Why not?

Men, how long do you last and is it long enough for you and your partner? Do you have early ejaculation or Delayed? Have you lost your sex drive? Is it a Sin to even desire to Know? Education is not a Sin! Education means learning, practicing, improving, growing, changing and saving your relationship.

2004 All Rights Reserved Sexual Solutions LLC

Ina 'Laughing Winds" Mlekush M.A.M.F.C.C
Sex and Marriage/Relationship Counselor

-Sex Counselor - AASECT Certified
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapist

-Marriage Counselor - MFCC
Marriage, Family, Child Counselor

-Chuluaqui Quodoushka Spiritual Sexuality
Senior Teacher

-Clinical Hypnotherapist

-Metaphysical Minister

-See Ina on YouTube SexualSolutions

-Web Site http://www.SpiritualSexuality.com

Recieve a 10 minute free video on Managing Your Sexual Energy, Resolving Early Eajculation

CONTACT Ina@SpiritualSexuality.com

Ina "Laughing Winds" Mlekush has been a Sex Educator since 1984 and workshop presenter of the Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Ancient Mayan, Toltec Spiritual Sexuality Teachings.

Ina has a private practice in Desert Hills, Arizona working with individuals and couples in traditional and non-traditional relationships. She does phone consultations and in office sessions.

Ina Laughing Winds takes great joy in teaching the Sacred Sexuality practices such as Fire Breath; a breathing techniques that brings an individual, man or woman to a full body orgasm.

Ina has over 24 years of experience in resolving sexual challenges:

Solutions for Men: Early Ejaculation, Delayed Ejaculation, Loss of Sex Drive, Erectile Dysfunction, Andropause Aging issues.

Solutions for Women: Orgasm Solutions, G-Spot Discovery, Female Ejaculation, Intimacy Needs, Self Loving, Menopause Aging Issues

Visit Ina's Smart Sex Store for hand picked Books with Ina's personal book reviews; CD's and DVD's You will find great Sex/Relationship Education from the best.

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