Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

My Teen Wants To Know How Sex Was And Is For Me What Do I Say?

How was your first time, dad? How does it feel, mom?

Questions most parents are not prepared to deal with when they talk about sex.

Most parents find talking about sex difficult.
With each other, let alone with their kids.
That is not new, although with all the changes over the last 40 years maybe a bit surprising.
It is not very common for a parents to say that "I wish my kids a great sex life".

But isn't that part of being happy, of being a content, satisfied adult?
Most of us sure wish ourselves a great sex life, don't we?

Parents are the number 1 source of learning, of values for children and teens, unless we don't give them anything to look to.
And then other sources become where they learn: friends, the street, movies, music videos, porn magazines and videos. And is that really where you want them to learn about sex, about sexuality, sensuality?

If you dont' talk about it THEY will, but with who?
I think it is crucial parents take more of a lead in educating their kids about sex.
Sure, you could leave it to schools, but sex education is a highly charged subject in most (North American) jurisdictions.

And uninformed children and teens will find their own way to get to know about sex.
Because the drive doesn't stop, just because you don't talk about it!
And there isn't a teen who was born knowing everything there is to know about sex,

And there are more, clear reasons:

- One in three women has a very negative sexual experience (from unwanted touching to rape) that impacts them for many years.

- Teen pregnancies have declined with increased use of birth control

- The pressure to be a sexual object, to perform sexual services at ages like twelve and thirteen is dramatic for young girls (and where do they get that image?)

- Boys are taught to see girls as sex providers, sex as a right, an entitlement.

So, who talks with them about what a great sex life can be?

Many of us will think "Well, my own sex life isn't that great"
Why? Often because we haven't talked about it for years and we are tired, caught up in keeping the family running and sex isn't all that exciting anymore.
That is no reason not to talk to your kids. Do you want that for them?

What do I think parents need to do?

1. Get comfortable with your own sex life and with talking about it.

It doesn't matter whether you are a strict religious person or a person who sees sex as a personal freedom in anyway it is performed. Or anything in between (where most of us are!)
Your kids need to know where you stand and why. By looking at your sex life and getting comfortable to talk about it with others, you will increase your skill to discuss it when the time comes.

2. Think about what you wish your kids.

Do you want them to be happy, healthy adults, with a great sex life (within whatever view of sexuality you have)? Do you want them to know everything they need to know so they can be safe, happy and feel good about choices they make and limits they set?
It doesn't matter whether you prefer abstinence or them to do whatever they like. Being informed, by you, will help them reach what you wish them. Or, if they do it differently, at least do it informed!

3. Talk about it, as early as possible.

Make it easy for your self, and them, by starting early.
When questions are still in the "where do babies come from" range. That way you can practice and become comfortable with it, both of you.

If you haven't, be brave and get into it anyway, when they are teens!
Introducing talking about sex, your body and how it will change, the feelings you will get, in your own way, teaches them not only the facts, but also to talk about it.

4. Educate yourself on materials/books you can share.

When you prepare by looking for what you deem appropriate materials, you will be ready when needed, and maybe learn a few things, too! (There are many very informative sites , both for parents and teens and as varied as our values are. Just click search on "teens and sex" and the whole spectrum will come up.)

5. Think about the worst thing they can ask you.

By thinking through what you would answer them, knowing that you are trying to prepare them for real life, for mistakes and delights, you can make a lot of questions less threatening. And the chance that you shut them down by getting defensive a lot smaller too. And yes, your answer can be age and maturity fitting. Remember that most often it will be a direct question, needing a simple direct answer. Not a lecture. (My daughter has a lecture alert "printed" on her face, the moment I get into too much talk!) So if they ask about "When did you have sex for the first time?" your answer can be direct too: "On my wedding night" "When I was 18" "When I had been in a relationship for three years with..." And, o, 95% of us in North America did have sex before marriage, according to a recent, wide spread survey. So you are not alone, even is that is the value you hold as a goal to strive for.

6. Work on your own sex life. So you can be a role model for your child.

A happy parent, content with and in their body and sex life is the clearest role model you can wish your child. Seeing you, happy where you're at, makes them want to learn from you.
And if you are not happy with your sex life, had terrible experiences, try to focus on what you would want them to experience.

7. Teach how to prevent sad experiences, but focus on creating the great ones!

We live in a fear and disaster focused society.
Having a great sex life is about a good thing.
So help them by teaching them to be prepared and then focus on how to create great experiences! Fear isn't a great thing as you're trying to have a good experience!

And yes, please teach them clear boundaries, open communication, knowing when and how to stop. Making it a two way street in all aspects is a great start. Teach them about both sides of the fence, what their partner may want, need, feel. About risks and diseases. And how to prevent them.
And how a great sex life is with someone. Over a longer time. Knowing and trusting each other.
Because however intense our one off experiences maybe, that is not what most of us say a great sex life is all about. It is about being with a partner, who you love. And yes, that counts for guys too.

So get ready to talk, about your first time, masturbation, good and bad experiences and yes even about orgasms. So you can, when you need to.
In your way, from your values and with what you want you kids to know. And how you are comfortable with it all.
Because, remember: if you don't, who will?

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Sex Position Education

Sex education is a topic of great importance. We all agree on that, (or most people anyway), and yet it's something that scares us.

So we leave it to somebody else, and like the old children's story, if everybody leaves it for somebody else to do, it never gets done. Or in this case, Some of it gets done, but what is Done is Negative, and It's not working.

What's negative about our sex education is that it's fear based. We teach our children, and not only our children, about not getting pregnant, about not contracting HIV/Aids.
The shame and taboo of sex is still there.

The embarrassment of talking about sex is still there.
And we know it's not working.

Teenage pregnancy is on the rise.

HIV figures are not decreasing and sexual abuse is increasing.
More children of 12 years old are having sex.
We are failing our children and ourselves in an area of life that we could make a real, noticeable difference.

Why does it scare us to go there?
Because we have to confront ourselves, acknowledge that maybe we don't know that much about sex ourselves, about our genitals. And it embarrasses us.

So sex education is not just about our kids, it's educating a society to a new way of being and relating, to new, healthy attitudes about ourselves, other people, our world.

I'm often asked, 'How do I talk to my kids about sex?'
It's a simple question with a complex answer that challenges us.

Firstly, we have to talk to them openly and honestly, which means no embarrassment, no euphemisms. We can only do this if we're comfortable with our own sexuality.

Secondly, it means we have to acknowledge our kids as sexual beings, even if they're asking purely out of curiosity, not an intention to act. (We can hope that they're not in the growing group of 12 and 13 year olds having sex, because, of course, 'my child never would'). Once again it's always Some body Else.

Thirdly, the education we offer has to come into line with what they're seeing in the media, TV, movies etc. the onslaught they're exposed to every day. We have to close the gap between old, outdated ideas and the reality they face in the world.

Next we have to have open forums for discussion on a range of sexual issues. The people we choose to lead these are important. They need to be open, honest and aware, not fearful or stuck in the past. Their education on sexual topics needs to be clear, not infused with myths and misunderstandings.

Then we have to offer sexual alternatives.
Our children are not not going to have sex once they've decided to explore, for whatever reason, boredom, excitement, and peer pressure, whatever.

We can't stop them, as much as some people think they can.
But if we offer alternatives and look to other sources for education we can make a difference.
There are other possibilities for sexual exploration than penetration. One example is the Expanded Orgasm technique, no penetration, no oral, no swapping bodily fluids, includes respect and communication.

I've come to see that masturbation is still a big taboo in our society, yet it has many benefits. One of these is that becoming conscious of your own body and pleasure brings a greater sense of ownership of your self. This leads directly to becoming more responsible of who you allow to do what to you, what the boundaries are.

Then we look to the East, to the Tantric and Taoist traditions. Sex is given its rightful place as an integral and important part of life, with accompanying education. Some of the most important principles these philosophies teach, besides their techniques, are respect, honouring, communication and context.

From time to time there have been teenagers at the introductory talks on Tantra that I give. Every one of them has said that they wished all their friends could hear these ideas; it would make their sexual attitudes and actions very different. In South Africa the principles of respect and honouring are vital in light of the incredibly high incidence of rape and abuse.

These ideas are not about fostering a climate of promiscuity, just the opposite. By taking ownership of yourself and your sexuality, with real knowledge, with understanding the importance of emotions and relationships we create a meaningful context to explore in.
If we can teach our kids to respect themselves more, that will extend into respecting others, our society, our environment, our world...

Sex education is not only about teaching our children how not to get pregnant, it's about educating ourselves to be happy, fulfilled, pleasured beings.
It's educating a society, a future.

Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

Sex In The 21st Century - You Say You Want An Evolution

It's time for a whole new understanding of what sex is and what it can be. Here's a brief look at a new model of sexuality that can take you beyond the old historical boundaries, and go further then the limited recent sexual revolution to a new, integral and expanded vision of a true sexual evolution.

What is Sex?

I've been a Wholistic Sexuality Teacher, midwife, nurse, gynecology practitioner and an enthusiastic sexually active woman for many decades and I still don't have a simple answer to that question. I can tell you what it's not. Sex isn't just some brief lusty activity involving your reproductive organs, hidden behind a closed bedroom door. It's so much more then that.

A Fantastic Fulfilling, Frustrating Force

Sexuality is a force that is colossally complicated and mesmerizingly compelling. It's an unavoidable part of being human, yet shrouded in mystery. Sexuality is an interplay of desire and denial, fantasy and reality. It's a complex physical and biological template tangled with an equally elaborate cultural overlay. Sex is powerful and promising, chaotic and conflicted, ecstatic and blissful, frustrating and disappointing. For some it is demonic, for others, divine. Sex is emotional, energetic, and often overwhelming. Its power is personally pervasive and culturally ubiquitous, with messages both hidden and overt. Potentially, our sexuality can be deeply connecting; of us to ourselves, to others and to the great mystery of life. Unfortunately, that potential is never achieved for many people.

Should You Be Ashamed of Yourself?

Currently, sex in our world is still mostly based on negative models grounded in ancient history, perpetuated by modern media and the convoluted chaos of contemporary culture. For many, sex is a source of unhappiness, frustration and a deep unsatisfied longing. We live in a unique time and place where sex is overtly in-your-face and covertly in your pants, all the while harboring undercurrents of shame, guilt, fear, denial, lust and self-loathing for our bodies, our desires and our pleasures.

Succulent Sacred Sublime Sex

I believe that we need a new model of sexuality that incorporates a bigger picture of what sex is, of who we are and what we can be as sexual beings. I see a desperate need for a model where sex is honored, celebrated and sacred. So I made one up.

A Sexual Evolution - Wholistic Sexuality

We had a sexual revolution, with its bumpy gains, imperfect progress and some serious backlash. Now it's time for a sexual evolution that I call Wholistic Sexuality. In essence, the Wholistic Sexuality model is about conscious connection. This philosophy brings sex back into connection with all aspects of our selves and our lives in a way that honors the power of sexuality. In order to be a fully vital human being, we need our sexuality to be intact, functioning and healthy. Erotic expression, pleasure, intimacy, fun and joy are necessary for us to be truly whole.

Love Yourself As You Love Your Neighbor (or Lover)

This does not imply that in order to be healthy we must be in sexual relationships with others, but rather, we must create and maintain a good sexual connection with ourselves. In other words, Wholistic Sexuality is, first and foremost, about your relationship with your Self. This includes your relationship with your body, your history and experiences, the beliefs that you were exposed to as you grew up, your current and past relationships, your communities, the media, our culture, and all other aspects of the whole wide world. All of these components and more create your unique internal sexual relationship. Indeed, your sexuality is a hologram of your inseparable mind, body, heart and spirit. Your sexuality is ultimately, about everything.

A Sexy Healthy Whole

It seems everyone these days is striving to be healthy. Exercise, meditation and healthy eating are now mainstream ideas, supported by countless cultural messages. But sex hasn't yet emerged from the shadow of repression and shame to become part of what is considered a healthy lifestyle. And yet, sex is definitely good for you. It provides many of the benefits of exercise, meditation, and massage. Orgasms can replace many psycho-pharmaceuticals and probably a lot of therapy. Satisfying erotic experiences can promote well-being, confidence and self-esteem. The power of flowing sexual energy can revitalize and energize your life force. When you consciously connect with your sexuality and incorporate that power into your life, you become integrated and truly healthy.

Conscious Connection

I believe that a sexual evolution is beginning and will continue to occur. It's a part of the evolution of personal and global consciousness that is occurring planet-wide. And since I believe that evolution begins at home, I encourage you to explore and enhance your connection to your own delicious sexuality. After all, without sex, life itself would be impossible. And a whole lot less fun!

What to know more about conscious connection and sexual empowerment? Come visit for information and articles about Wholistic Sexuality and the Intimate Arts. We offer an email newsletter, free goodies and so much more! Receive a FREE SexCraft Orgasmic Abundance Mini-Guide E-book, which includes tips, techniques and an abundance of simple exercises for expanded sexual experiences, compliments of Sheri Winston CNM, RN, BSN, LMT, Wholistic Sexuality Teacher and sexual empowerment catalyst. Sheri is a medical professional, sexuality educator and author who is on a mission to transform our culture's attitudes about sex. She's a Teacher & Counselor of Wholistic Sexuality & founder of the Center for Wholistic Sexuality. She's also a former Certified Nurse-Midwife, Gynecology Practitioner, Registered Nurse and Massage Therapist.

Sheri teaches a curriculum of over 40 Empowering Sexuality classes as well as a small curriculum of WomanCraft classes. She offers private Wholistic Sexuality and Wholistic Gynecology Consultations. Sheri facilitates Empowering Sexuality retreats and presents at a wide range of conferences and gatherings. As a teacher of the Intimate Arts, Sheri delights in presenting her wide & varied curriculum of classes and workshops for men and women, spreading her paradigm of Empowering Sexuality Education and inspiring folks to have a lot more fun!

Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

Juicy Tips for Better Sex

It is no doubt that sex, plays a major part in maintaining a healthy and long lasting relationship. Many researches and surveys conducted over the years have concluded that one of the main keys to a happy and fulfilling relationship is great sexual experience.

Yet, many people are having problem enjoying sex with their partners. There are many reasons for this problem. The more common ones are psychological, cultural, early childhood experience and so forth.

The good news is, for so long as the individual or couple realise that sex is the number one killer or saver to their relationship and they are willing to change, there are thousands of tips available in books, magazines, internet and sex video for better sex.

Experimenting on these better sex tips allow you to have a pleasurable experience during the sexual act. They also give you the confidence to orchestra and enjoy the sexual experience with your partner.

The internet is also turning out to be a major source where couples look for tips for better sex. I have outlined below some of the juicy tips for better sex.

The first tip is to take the initiative. Taking the initiative will break the ice between the couple and also excite the opposite partner. Always be on the look out for adding novelties to your sex life.

Sex does not need to be performed in the bedroom only. It can be done in the basement or under the stairs or just about anywhere you wish. Some examples are, in the car, on the beach. The ideal location is only limited by your own imagination.

Create a sexy mood and the right kind of environment for having sex. For example, you can pull down the colorful curtains and light candles in the bedroom. You can also go for scented candles. Playing soft music in the background would also add spice to the sexual environment that you want to create.

Having sex in the bath can prove to be a totally different experience. It sure builds up the overall excitement. In case of using the vibrator, ask your partner to user it in you instead of using the vibrator solo. Try choosing the vibrator and sex toys with your partners, this will help building up his or her anticipation.

Try out newer positions to have sex. This will again lead to more excitement and add a lot of spice in the whole sexual act. Ask your partner to do different things on you and tell him / her which things turn you on. Repeat the act if you both like it very much.

Sex is a pleasurable activity that does not have time limits. Sex ends when both the partners are completely satisfied after the act. Sex is not a duty that should be completed in a fixed period of time.

You should try different types of stimulations on your partner every time you both have sex. Try to masturbate your partner instead of letting him or her do the act on his / her own.

At the end of the day, let your imagination run wild, do whatever is necessary to arouse yours and your partner's sex drive and enjoy the experience.

Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Cunnilingus Tips - 4 Unique Ways to Enhance Oral Sex

In year 1999, British magazine Diva published its survey results on more than 400 readers: 38 % rated oral sex as "sexual attention they most liked to receive from a partner". It comes no surprise to us, considering the fact that many women could not orgasm during intercourse! Nonetheless, you can't go straight to her pants and move your tongue mindlessly. It doesn't work that way. In this article you will learn 3 unique ways to enhance oral sex. When done correctly, these methods will add a lot more fun to oral sex and helps her to achieve the big "O" quickly and easily.
  1. Porn movies: You may be surprised, but we rate porn movies as number one way to prepare women for oral sex. As you know, women are slow burners. You need to spend a lot of time and efforts in foreplay to arouse her. The best way to turn her on fast is to watch a porn movie together. If she enjoys the movie, it will make her feel sexy and hot. In other words, the movie does most of the foreplay jobs for you. However, do not go for your every day porn movies. To ensure she enjoy it, you must choose porn movies produced by female directors, specifically for women.
  2. Oral sex gel: it's perfect for man who does not feel comfortable to go between his partner's legs. It helps to keep her private area moist, while greatly enhance oral pleasure.
  3. Oral vibrator: with an oral vibrator, you can stimulate her clitoris as though you are performing oral sex on her. The wetness, warmth and touch from its vibration is very similar to motion of a man's tongue. It's perfect for man who does not feel confident to perform oral sex on his partner.
  4. Teasing technique: instead of mindless licking, try teasing technique. This technique helps her to build up sexual sensation easier and quickly. Here's how to do it: gently and slowly lick her clitoris in a capital M motion. In the mean time, monitor her body response closely. When she is getting aroused, move your tongue away from her clitoris and stimulate other areas near clitoris. Keep on doing this until she can't stand it anymore. After few repetitions, she should achieve the big "O" easily. Sometimes, even one repetition is enough to send her an orgasm.

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

Sex is Good For Your Health

I believe that regularly occurring and frequent sex will produce certain emotional and physical health benefits. It's long been established that there are myriad of health benefits related to sexual activity. This awareness has been recorded in our culture for centuries in the form of old wives tales such as "Use it, or lose it." Just as if you don't use your common household appliances regularly, they'll also become rusty and break down.

A consistently active sex life can be directly beneficial for the cardiovascular system, particularly for men. The increase in heart rate is directly beneficial to the circulation, and can reduce the likelihood of a heart attack. The British Medical Journal published an article in 1997 that reported that men who had the highest number of orgasms had a better quality of life and lived the longest.

Sexual activity can also regulate and exercise the respiratory organs. In short, that heavy breathing with someone you love is healthy. Sex benefits neck and back muscles which increases blood flow to the brain and can alleviate certain types of, the next time your partner says, "I've got a headache, " you can say, "Good, let's make love and get rid of it."

In the post-coital phase of sex, the relaxation of muscles can even alleviate insomnia. The release of tension can lead to a deeper, quicker sleep.

Believe it or not, sex can work as a laxative, toning and controlling the lower abdominal muscles. Sex as pain medication may sound far fetched, but consider this: Just before the point of no return, high levels of oxytocin flood the body and release endorphins that relieve pain. Sexual activity can also help to relieve menstrual cramps by providing a natural decongestion.

No more flu or pesky colds is a good reason to have sex at least once or twice a week. That's what research showed at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania. They discovered that people who had regular sex had 30% higher levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody which boosts the immune system.

If you think you're overweight, there's no better way to lose it than with increased sexual activity. It not only burns calories, but can also help turn fat into muscle more quickly than any other forms of exercise. Sex will burn a significant amount of calories but over eating will still cause weight gain. The most concise research shows that the act of sexual intercourse burns of about 200 calories, which is equal to running on a treadmill for half an hour.

Having sex keeps your organs healthy. Just as exercising the other muscles of your body contributes to your well being, sexual activity contributes to the flow of blood to your organs and helps to keep everything in good working condition from top to bottom.

There are also many wonderful psychological benefits. Sexual activity releases pleasure endorphins from the brain, which flood the body and literally de-stress it.

Sex can be an effective anti-depressant because it releases feel-good neurotransmitters from the brain called Dopamine. The physical and emotional aspect of sex can work together in improving self-esteem and adds to a sense of confidence.

Sex can help to get those creative juices flowing. Since sexual fulfillment also involves your brain, it can improve a variety of mental functions, including your concentration. Sex can make the mind more active and an imaginative approach to sex can not only spice up your love life, but it can create that wonderful feeling of sexual anticipation.

One of the most important psychological benefits of an active sex life is that it can reduce anxiety. The sedative effect of sexual activity is conducive to fighting the effects of daily tension. The emotional fulfillment that comes from an intimate sexual encounter results in the relaxation of your muscles in your brain.

Sex can improve your sense of smell because after lovemaking, prolactin, a hormone, flows to the brain and develops new neurons in the olfactory bulb, which is the brain's smell center.
The unique sense of intimate connection with the person you love cannot be duplicated by any other activity. Nothing else stimulates all the senses quite like sex.

There has been an enormous amount of research in the field of psychology focusing on the relationship between sexuality and mental health. Recent medical discoveries by the American Heart Association have confirmed the physical benefits of an active sex life. The American Association of Urologists and significant medical school studies at the University of California and Indiana, just to name two, have documented studies about the health aspects of an active sex life. Forbes magazine did a cover story on why sex is good for your health in 2003 with statistics from major universities and medical journals.

Let's face it, sex is really an integral part of a healthy life and can help you emotionally, psychologically, and physically. In summation, sex is good for you health in terms of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, menstrual cramps, acts as a laxative, burns calories, keeps your organs healthy, acts as an anti-depressant, a mild sedative, can stimulate creativity, concentration, reduce stress,...and it feels great!

Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Best Sex Positions - A Review of 'LoveCentria' The Great Sex Guide

LoveCentria, “the Great Sex Guide,” is an online membership site that attempts to teach men better ways to please their partners. With text, animation, and video guides, this site has a lot to offer its members, and unlike most online membership sites, you don’t have to pay monthly. You only pay once and you have access forever.

The sheer amount of content is awesome. It is mostly in video form, which makes for an easy (and enjoyable) learning experience.

However, I wasn’t overly thrilled about the animated position guides. While it’s a good idea, I’ve always felt that there is too much emphasis put on crazy new positions. Eventually, it becomes silly. I mean, how many different rear entry positions do you need to know? And why name it something different every time the angle changes by a tenth of a degree? So you put one leg up and kept one down. Who cares? It’s all doggy style. No need for silly names like “the Fire Hydrant,” or “the G Spot Jiggy.” There are three basic ways you can have sex: lying, sitting, or standing. The guy can be on top or the girl can be on top. You can be facing towards or away from one another. You can figure the rest out on your own. Enough said.

Thankfully, the biggest portion of the site is devoted to video advice. And it delivers big time. There are ten different DVD sets that cover almost every physical sexual technique. Everything from fingering, oral, etc. is covered. The best content comes from Dr. Natasha Terry (certified clinical sexologist, whatever that means) and her lovely assistants.
They talk extensively about the G-spot stimulation and angles that feel good inside the vagina. They go into several different techniques for digital and oral stimulation as well as penetration techniques.

One technique in particular called the UFO technique, meaning Ultimate Female Orgasm, gets a lot of attention and is taught in at least two of the DVDs. This method stimulates both the clitoris and the G-spot at the same time. I’ve personally tested it out and found the results to be very satisfactory. Honestly, it’s hard to get the hang of at first, but if you watch the videos a few times, you’ll figure it out. While it worked beautifully, I’m not exactly sure it gave the “ultimate” orgasm. For that, I think you have to go beyond the physical and employ some psychological stimulation. For that I’d recommend checking out The Masterful Lover Manual by David Shade.

LoveCentria’s Secrets of a Sexual Surrogate DVD provided some eye opening info about how sex is for a woman. A professional sexual surrogate named Sandra coaches her partner through a multitude of techniques to improve stimulation for a woman. She shows him ways to kiss, caress, and touch her in all the right ways while constantly giving verbal feedback. She guides him through the UFO technique along with many sexual positions. She shows how to use pillows to get just the right angles and penetration depths. This is a very valuable part of LoveCentria. It just might be my favorite section.

As a bonus to your membership, you get access to Men’s Forte, an online magazine full of sexual information (not to mention the streaming XXX videos). You also get 12 bonus E-books dealing with things like kissing, controlling ejaculation, g-spot orgasms, even anal sex. And don’t forget about the Member’s Forum. This is where you can ask all the questions you want and find lots of answers from other members.

All in all, this site provides a good return on your investment. It is definitely worth the price for the lifetime membership. And you can have actual DVDs of the content mailed to you. You can even get a one day pass to check it all out. I'm sure you will learn more than a few things from this site. It’s a good one. And while you’ll have to look elsewhere for information on dominance, dirty talk, and emotional and mental stimulation, there is a ton of information to improve your physical bedroom skills. If you combined the skills you will learn from LoveCentria with what David Shade has to offer, you’d be able to give her pleasure beyond her wildest dreams. Whether you’re new to sex and want to know how to please your woman physically or you’re already a bedroom master looking to further develop your physical technique, I recommend you check it out.

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